Ακόμα και να ξεσκαρτάρεις μέσα στο πλήθος των πληροφοριών κάποια πράγματα, πρέπει να τα βιώσεις για να τα κατανοήσεις.
C: While in prison, I learned everything
in this world, including money...operates not on reality...
B: But the perception of reality.
C: Position: People think a bank might be financially shaky.
B: People start to withdraw their money.
C: Result: Soon, it is financially shaky.
B: Conclusion: You can make banks fail.
C: I've already done that. Maybe you've read about a few?
Think bigger.
B: Stock market?
C: Yes.
B: Currency market? Commodities market?
C: Yes.
B: Small countries?
C: There's a war out there, old friend, a world war.
And it's not about who's got the most bullets.
It's about who controls the information:
...what we see and hear, how we work, what we think.
It's all about the information.
Sneakers (1992))
Η σύγχρονη οικονομία είναι μια ψευδαίσθηση και είναι εκνευριστική όταν γίνεται απτή πραγματικότητα.